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Lobby Lounge Completely Redesigned Menu

The Lobby Lounge menu has been redesigned to reflect our commitment to using local ingredients and to promote the beauty of Okinawa. Our OKINAWA Selection menu starts with offering cocktails with features which focus on Okinawa and particularly Yambaru.

Oriental Hotel Okinawa has been offering locally sourced ingredients at our restaurants for a number of years. We are expanding this theme to include the drinks that are created in the Lobby Lounge. This new style allows you to enjoy not only the deliciousness of the ingredients themselves, but in combining them with alcohol, an entirely new impression can be appreciated.

We started with the YAMBARU Mixology Cocktails by collaborating with Tomoaki Nakamura, a Ryukyu drink coordinator who runs the cafe and bar Alchemist in Naha where he creates his own original cocktails.

Now the OKINAWA Selection is expanded to include 7 types of Okinawan cocktails. Yambaru Mojito expresses the Yambaru forest using the strength of Ie Jima rum, the sweetness of Okinawan brown sugar, and mint. Yumangi, which means "sunset" in the Okinawan dialect, is expressed with a tropical look and with the flavors of mango juice and coconut liqueur popular in Okinawa. These offerings are unique to Oriental Hotel created in collaboration between our hotel bartender and Tomoaki Nakamura.

You can also enjoy a carefully crafted cup of coffee in the open, light-filled lounge space.
Available beginning October 1st, 2023
Venue: Lobby Lounge
Hours: 17:00~23:00

Menu Examples
Yambaru Mojito, Yumangi, Okinawan Gin and Tonic, Okinawan Negroni, Oriental Manhattan, Coral Sea, Shikuwasa Cooler, and more.

Lobby Lounge Details

YAMBARU Mixology Cocktails
These cocktails were created in collaboation with Tomoaki Nakamure, a Ryukyu drink coordinator who runs Alchemist, a cafe and bar in Naha offering cocktails created with local ingrecients. Oneof the specialties is to pair cocktails with OKINAWA CACAO chocolate, a product that also expresses the appeal of Okinawa and Yambaru.

Available July 1st to September 30th
Venue: Lobby Lounge
Hours: 17:00~23:00

YAMBARU Mixology Cocktails Details

Tomoaki Nakamura: Ryukyu Drink Coordinator
Mr. Nakamura is a bartender who creates cocktails with the theme of “Okinawa x Mixology”.He runs 2 mixology bars in Naha City. He promotes the enjoyment of Okinawan ingredients such as awamori, shell ginger, and Ryukyu karaki (a cinnamon flavored tree leaf). His participation in cocktail competitions has won him 18 awards over the past 5 years. Additionally, he is engaged in product development unique to Okinawa such as Orion Beer’s Chura Watta Botanical Muscat. He has been working as a bartender in Okinawa for 20 years and has been active in consulting for and supervising drink recipes for various hotels and restaurants.

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